Panacur for Dogs

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Description : Panacur, containing the active ingredient Fenbendazole, is a highly effective deworming medication for dogs. It targets a wide range of intestinal parasites, including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and certain tapeworms, making it a comprehensive solution for maintaining canine health.

Panacur is available in various forms, such as granules, paste, and liquid, which can be easily mixed with your dog's food. The typical dosage is 50 mg of fenbendazole per kilogram of the dog’s body weight, administered daily for 3-5 consecutive days. Puppies, due to their higher susceptibility to worms, should be dewormed starting at 2 weeks of age and then every 2 weeks until they reach 12 weeks. Adult dogs should be dewormed at least every 3-6 months. Always follow your veterinarian's specific dosage recommendations. at Medzsupplier.

Panacur broad-spectrum efficacy ensures thorough elimination of common intestinal parasites, which is crucial for preventing gastrointestinal issues, nutrient deficiencies, and overall health decline in dogs. It is also safe for use in pregnant dogs and those with compromised health, providing peace of mind to pet owners.

Regular deworming with Panacur helps maintain your dog’s well-being and reduces the risk of zoonotic infections, protecting both pets and humans. Consulting with your veterinarian for a tailored deworming schedule ensures optimal health for your canine companion.

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