Local Climate Zone

De Résilience des Territoires
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Local climate zone (LCZ) maps describe the urban surface structure and cover with consistency and comparability across cities, applicable in studies of urban heat waves, sustainable urbanization and urban energy balance.

💼 Porté par CNRM

Description : Until recently, there was no universal approach to describe and characterize the physical nature of cities for urban climatologists — much of the existing terminology was not transferable across cultural and geographical regions. To address this problem, and in particular to help standardize methods of observation and documentation in urban heat island studies, Stewart and Oke (2012) developed the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) classification scheme. The scheme comprises 17 zones based mainly on properties of surface structure (e.g., building and tree height & density) and surface cover (pervious vs. impervious). Each zone is local in scale, meaning it represents horizontal distances of 100s of metres to several kilometres. The scheme is a logical starting point for WUDAPT’s aim to gather consistent information across cities globally.

Organisations utilisatrice ou intéressée par utiliser la ressource : Arte Charpentier Architectes, Centre de Recherches de Climatologie, Biogéosciences, Dijon, LETG-Rennes, UMR-ESPACE Nice

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Richesse recherchée : Cas d'usages, Expérimentation

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Catégories : Données, Connaissance

Thème : Général/Modèles, Général/Approches, Général/Enjeux, Vulnérabilités/Energétique, Anticipation/Indicateur

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